Independent Cultural Journal “¯” (Lviv, Ukraine)
The Heinrich Boell Foundation (Germany)
9.00-9.15 Opening
Taras Wozniak, Independent Cultural Magazine “Ji”, Editor-in-Chief
Agnieszka Rochon, Head of Representation of Heinrich Böll
Foundation in Poland
9:15-11:15 Ukraine and the European Union – perspective for working
together: Co-operation or Integration?
Maryna Suhak,Deputy Director of the Centre for Peace, Conversion and
Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv
Yevhen Zherebecky, Expert of the State Institute for International
Security, Kyiv
Ralf Fücks, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Member of Executive
Mykola Yakovyna, Analytical Centre “Centre of Europe”, Kyiv
Facilitation: Gennadij Druzenko Director of the Centre for European
and Comparative Law, Ministry of Justice, Ukraine
11:15-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:30 Ukraine and EU – challenge of the and their social acceptance
Taras Wozniak, Independent cultural Magazine “Ji”, Editor-in-Chief
Ànatolij Kruglashov, Political Sience Chair, Chernivtsi National
University, Professor
Facilitation: Iryna Magdysh Independent cultural Magazine
“Ji”, Editor
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch break
14.30 – 16.30 Ukraine, European Union, Poland – perspectives fort
he co-operation
Anatoliy Mokiy, Director of the Regional Branch of the National
Institute for Strategic Studies, Lviv, Ukraine
Bohdan Hud’, Director of the Institute for European Integration,
Facilitation: Krzysztof Herbst, Manager of the Programme of the
UK Ministry of the International Development for Ukraine
16.30 – 17.00 Closing up:
Ihor Markov, Laboratory of the Social Studies of the Centre for
Private Initiative Support, Director
Gennadij Druzenko, Director of the Centre for European and Comparative
Law, Ministry of Justice, Ukraine