Taras Kuzio Western scholars such as
Ivan Katchanovski [see his article published
on openDemocracy, 21 March] are wrong to focus on the far-right Svoboda
(‘Freedom’) party as a new and significant threat to Ukraine’s democracy. I say
this for three reasons. First, Svoboda’s
popularity has not grown – and indeed in some recent polls has declined – since
the neo-Soviet and pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych was elected president in 2010.
Contrary to Katchanovski's analysis, Svoboda is unlikely to cross the 5 percent
threshold in October’s parliamentary elections, and even if Svoboda members are
elected, it will only be in single mandate districts [rather than via
nationwide proportional representation]. Western Ukrainian ethnic nationalism
is weak, and support for Svoboda has remained comparably low compared to that
for nationalist and populist groups in Europe and Eurasia. 'Svoboda’s main raison d’etre is as an artificial
scarecrow designed to direct votes away from bona fide democratic parties and
to mobilise eastern Ukrainian, Russian-speaking voters against the virtual
"nationalist bogeyman".' Second, neo-Soviet and
Russian nationalism is a far bigger threat to Ukraine’s democratic system and
European integration than ethnic Ukrainian nationalism. Victor Yanukovych’s
Party of Regions is a much more violent, anti-democratic and corrupt political
machine than Svoboda could ever be. Third, Svoboda’s main
raison d’etre is as an artificial scarecrow designed to direct votes away from
bona fide ‘orange’ democratic parties, and to mobilise eastern Ukrainian,
Russophone voters against the virtual ‘nationalist bogeyman’. There are grounds
to suggest that the Party of Regions has had a direct role funding Svoboda
(though as financing of all parties is not transparent in Ukraine, there is no
‘smoking gun’ here). Pro-Russian and
anti-Russian Ukrainian 'nationalists' come into conflict at a November 2011
march in Kyiv. The western Ukrainian nationalists of Svoboda generate more
attention, but are the thugs of neo-Soviet President Yanukovych more dangerous?
(Photo: Sergii Kharchenko / Demotix, all rights reserved) Many western scholars
and journalists view nationalism in Ukraine as a sentiment held only by ethnic
Ukrainians and a dominant political force only in the west of the country. The
truth is different. The outward manifestations associated with nationalism –
anti-democratic culture, racial intolerance, anti-Semitism and xenophobia – are
more of a problem in eastern and southern Ukraine and Crimea than in western
Ukraine. Leaked US embassy cables reported that
neo-nazis are most active in the regions of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Sumy,
Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia, Odesa, and Zhytomyr, most of which are in
the east of the country. According to a recent
survey by the Razumkov Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies,
western Ukrainians are also slightly more likely than their eastern neighbours
to protest against racial and ethnic discrimination (3.9 percent against 3.3 percent).
Both in opposition and in power since the 2010 elections, when it took control
of parliament and the presidency, The Party of Regions has represented by far
the most aggressive and violent political force in Ukraine. This is evident
from the violence it has meted out inside and outside parliament against
opposition parliamentary deputies and journalists, and from its campaign of
political repression against former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, cabinet
members in her 2007-2010 government and Batkivshchina (‘Fatherland’), the party
she leads. In the 2004 elections
the Yanukovych campaign conducted a strategy of electoral fraud and ‘directed
chaos’, whichcame perilously close to driving the country towards civil war. A
leaked strategy document from the Yanukovych election campaign outlined plans
to escalate conflict ‘along each of the main lines of division – Galicia [West]
vs East and South; West (USA, Europe) vs Russia; Russian language, threat of
rising extremism and so on’. The Yanukovych campaign looked to organise
movements in eastern Ukraine that would oppose the coming to power of
Yushchenko, who was described as a ‘reactionary, pro-American,
radically-oriented’ candidate. True to their intent, the 2004 Yanukovych
campaign mobilised latent anti-American feelings against Yushchenko and his
Ukrainian-American wife. 'A leaked strategy document from the Yanukovych
election campaign outlined plans to escalate conflict "along each of the
main lines of division – Galicia [West] vs East and South; West (USA, Europe)
vs Russia; Russian language, threat of rising extremism and so on".' Since the 2006
elections, the Party of Regions has also been in alliance with Russian
nationalists in Crimea and they have jointly formed a movement called ‘For
Yanukovych!’. The current Crimean Prime Minister, Anatoliy Mogilyov, is
parlicularly well known for his xenophobic attitudes. Writing in the local
paper, Krymskaya Pravda, he penned words of support for Stalin’s ethnic
cleansing of the Crimean Tatars in the 1940s, subscribing to Stalin’s
justification that they were ‘Nazi collaborators’. These are not isolated
views, but racial prejudices are regularly fanned by Krymskaya Pravda and other
media outlets in the region. Over on ‘Inter’, a television channel owned by oligarch
and First Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Khoroshkovsky, controversial anchor
Yuriy Pershykov, also from Crimea, continues a long record of xenophobic
anti-Tatar reports. And former Crimean Parliamentary Chairperson Anatoliy
Hrytsenko told US
Ambassador Taylor that Crimean Tatars ‘betrayed’ the USSR in World War II and
that ‘a majority of Crimea’s inhabitants view Tatars as traitors’.
Far from being limited
to western Ukraine, xenophobia and national chauvinism is perhaps even more
widespread in Russian-speaking eastern and southern Ukraine. In Crimea, for
example, it is acceptable for the local media to print stories vindicating
Stalin's decision to deport the Crimean Tatars. (Photo: Andrew Lubimov /
Demotix, all rights reserved) The Party of Regions has
a long history of using nationalism to its political advantage. In 2001,
then-President Kuchma’s regime used neo-nazi skinheads in
attacks against the opposition. We also know from the 'Melnychenko tapes' —
secret recordings made by in Kuchma’s office by presidential guard Mykola
Melnychenko — that the ex-President was both an anti-Semite and a xenophobe. In
these tapes, Kuchma is heard in
conversation with current Prime Minister Mykola Azarov about Ukrainian-Jewish
oligarch Heorhiy Surkis. ‘Fuck’, says Kuchma, ‘why do we need a fucking Jew?’
In another recorded episode, Azarov asks President Kuchma to approve an illegal
scheme in which he could trade his 50 square metre apartment in Kyiv for an
apartment three times the size in a more desirable building, with the eviction
of a Jewish family occupying the larger apartment. Playing on Kuchma’s
anti-Semitism, Azarov says: ‘Well, the Jews would have to be taken out…’
President Kuchma grants Azarov his blessing to throw the Jews out and occupy
the apartment. It is certainly true
that Ukrainian anti-Semitism draws on two political traditions. On the one
hand, it does indeed stem from nationalism in western Ukraine. Yet the
overwhelming majority of instances of racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in
Ukraine come from Eurasian nationalism and neo-Soviet anti-Zionism in eastern
Ukraine, where the Party of Regions holds on to a monopoly of power. Contemporary
anti-Semitism in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia draws on a long history of Soviet
campaigns against ‘Zionism’. In 1963, Trofim Kichko's book entitled Judaism without Embellishments was published by the Soviet
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; four years later, a propaganda campaign, railing
against so-called ‘cosmopolitanism’ and ‘Talmudism’, linked Zionism with
Nazism. Anti-Zionism was synonymous with anti-Semitism. Today, Belarusian
President Lukashenka, whose regime’s ideology is Soviet Belarusian nationalism,
continues to propagate anti-Zionist
propaganda . Eastern Ukrainian
antagonism to ‘Ukrainian nationalism’ and Ukrainian national identity in
turn draws on a Soviet legacy of ‘anti-nationalist’ tirades against World War
II Ukrainian nationalists, dissidents and émigrés. The belittling
of the Ukrainian language and culture has traditionally been undertaken alongside
anti-Tatar and anti-Muslim stereotypes. Mykhaylo Bakharev, editor of the
popular Krymskaya Pravda newspaper, has repeatedly said there
is no Ukrainian language as it is an ‘artificial language’ spoken by the
uneducated strata of society, invented by the nineteenth-century bard Taras
Shevchenko and others. Bakharev believes no Ukrainian nation exists and that
the Ukrainian state has no future. As a final point of
comparison, there have been two Ukrainian activists murdered by Russian
nationalists, composer Ihor Bilozir in
Lviv on 8 May 2000 and Odesa State University student and member of the
patriotic youth movement Sich Maksym Chaika in
Odesa on 17 April 2009. By contrast, no pro-Russian nationalist or activist has
died at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists in post-Soviet Ukraine. Svoboda has attracted
more attention in the West than the Party of Regions and other pro-Russian and
neo-Soviet nationalist groups in eastern and southern Ukraine, whose threat to
Ukraine’s democracy, inter-ethnic accord and European integration is far greater.
Ivan Katchanovski is right to criticise cooperation between democratic
opposition parties and Svoboda, but this point alone should not distract our
primary attention from the primary source of trouble – President Yanukovich and
his neo-Soviet nationalist cohorts. Apr 12, 2012 |