Oleg ShynkarenkoKremlin Analysts Push For Ukraine AnnexationRussian experts have started using loaded WWII-era
language to talk about a solution to the ‘Ukrainian Question’ and to advocate
controlling parts of the country in a version of USSR 2.0. As Ukraine’s protests have spiraled into violence over
the past month, forcing the prime minister to resign and destabilizing the iron
grip of President Viktor Yanukovych, one looming question has hung over the
events of the EuroMaidan: What will Putin do? Indeed, Russia’s relationship with Yanukovych and its
perceived meddling in the Ukraine have been at the very heart of the protests
from the outset—for it was the president’s decision to snub the EU in favor of
closer ties and a $15 billion loan from Moscow that set off angry
demonstrations last November. Now, Russian politicians and analysts have started
using loaded language when talking about what to do with Ukraine and its
intractable protesters. Recently, a former advisor to Russian president
Vladimir Putin, political scientist Andrey Illarionov, opined that Russia is
extremely eager to seize Ukrainian territory. According to Illarionov, Moscow’s
propaganda machine is running at top speed in order to prepare for such an
outcome. He quoted Kremlin sources as saying, “we should wait ‘til
the Sochi 2014 Olympics start and then set about finding the solution to the
Ukrainian Question.” Such wording is not accidental—Illarionov is
definitely hinting at the notorious Nazi “Final Solution to the Jewish
Question” (Endlösung der Judenfrage) in his speech. World War II-era
allusions are widespread among Ukrainian political experts, as well—when local
analysts talk about the Russian line of action against Ukraine, they use the
word “Anschluss.” The historical meaning behind the latter German term
is being actively promoted as a viable option for dealing with Ukraine by
Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Since the Euromaidan started,
he’s made lots of ridiculous statements, but his recent ones really take the
cake. “We will give Ukraine cartridges but not soldiers,” Zhirinovsky said.
“We will send all the Ukrainian refugees to Siberia, that frosty minus-60
degree resort …If [the protesters] hinder you in the East and South of Ukraine,
let a local administration appeal to us officially and we will ask the Russian
government to rise in defense of Russians in these Ukrainian regions.” A colleague of Zhirinovksy, Roman Khudyakov, also
advised that Ukraine should hold a referendum to join the Russian empire and
then “we can help.” Of course, Zhirinovsky has a reputation as something
of a windbag, but as Illarionov noted, “nobody hides the fact of preparations
for Russian intervention in Ukrainian affairs, which it is carrying on right
now.” Political analysts say that the Kremlin is ready to swap out the current
president, Yanukovych, for a more convenient and loyal person (such as Andrey
Klyuyev or Victor Medvedtchuk)—and Moscow strategists don’t want to wait for
the 2015 elections as a tool for such a change. They’d like their plans to come
to fruition in the next couple of weeks. Illarionov says that there are four
likely scenarios for Russia’s plans for Ukraine going forward: 1. The
establishment of full control of Ukraine with the help of a loyal president.
But after the Euromaidan and the large support of its ideas amongst people in
the Western and Central regions of the country, this first scenario doesn’t
seem probably. 2. The
federalization or confederalization of Ukraine and establishment of control
over the Eastern and Southern regions, where people are loyal to the current
government and the percentage of ethnic Russians is relatively high (up to 30
percent). 3. If
federalization is impossible, the Russian government will likely try to control
individual cities in the Eastern and Southern regions such as Odessa, Donetsk,
Lugansk and of course the Crimea peninsula. 4. If
control of the Eastern Ukraine is impossible, Moscow will consider just control
of the Crimea and especially Sevastopol city, where the proportion of ethnic
Russians is more than 50 percent. Illarionov quotes the ideas that are
being actively discussed during prime-time on the Russian state TV channels:
“Ukraine is a failed state, and the historic chance for reunification of all
the Russian lands can be lost in the next couple of weeks, so we mustn’t put
off the solution to the Ukrainian Question.” The
strategists from Kremlin are apparently sure that the same scenario was very
successful in Georgia, when Abkhazia and South Ossetia were separated and put
under Russian protection as “breakaway republics.” The Georgia conflict took
place during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which was very convenient timing, as
the authors of the new Moscow strategy say. The
information about the aggressiveness of Russia’s designs is not so surprising to
Ukrainians, who are already used to politically incorrect statements coming out
of Moscow. In 2008, at the Bucharest NATO Summit, Putin said that “Ukraine is a
historical misunderstanding which was created on the Russian territory.” So, in
his mind, Russia needs to restore its territory at the expense of Ukraine.
“They even don’t say “Ukraine” as a term, using instead the ‘Reunification of
Russia’,” Illarionov says. The
described strategy is very similar to a populist Russian movement called the “Essence of Time,” which was founded in 2011 by
Russian politician and scientist Sergey Kurginyan. The goal of the movement is
the revival of the USSR on new principles and without the old mistakes.
Kurginyan call it “USSR 2.0” and it seems that Ukraine may be the next step on
the way to that Brave New World. Meanwhile some rumors about a
looming Russian invasion are spreading in Ukraine. We’ve heard about mythical
squads of armed Don Cossacks that traversed the Ukrainian border to defend the
Eastern Ukraine from anti-government protesters. And some say that recently
they were joined by “Night Wolves,” a biker gang from Volgograd. Many local
administrations in the East are preparing for occupation by protesters from the
Western Ukraine. They ring their buildings with barbed wire and apply solid oil
to their fences. Every week, posts about Russian military aircrafts landing in
Kyiv appear in Facebook. The Ministry of Internal Affairs purchased Russian
flame-throwers for policemen. Everything looks like a Hollywood blockbuster,
but Ukrainians are the actors who cannot escape the movie. Can we
really wait for the revival of the new Evil Empire (as Ronald Reagan called the
USSR in 1983)? As we know, the USSR was possible because of the Cold War, which
by turn was a consequence of total state propaganda. Today the situation is
unlikely as the Internet is widespread in the post-Soviet space. When rumors
are really just propaganda, then the Cold War turns into a squabble and USSR
2.0 is nothing but a hallucination of the Kremlin’s analysts. Feb 02 2014 |