Tenth Anniversary Of Students’ Hunger-StrikePhoto by Andriy Kyrchiv
A number of actions took place in Lviv on October 2, 2000 organized by the Centre for Political Studies “Nova Khvylya” and Art Association “Dzyga” in order to celebrate the first decade of the “Revolution on Granite”. There was a conference in “Dzyga” office dedicated to this event, to which the representatives of various public and political organizations from Ukraine and Lviv were invited to participate. On October 16, 2000 the concert “Those, Who Were There” in which Nina
Matviyenko, Marichka Burmaka, Viktor Morozov, and such groups as “Mertvyj
Piven’”, “Koroloivski Zaytsi”, “Plach Jeremiji”, “Hawajski Gitary” and
“Komu Vnyz” participated, was the final action of the fortnight-long celebrations.