800th Anniversary Of King Danylo
Photo by Andriy Kyrchiv
to the data of Ruthenian chronicles investigators the date of birth of
the Galician Rus famous statesman, Count and King Danylo is supposed to
be November 1201. In the times of Danylo the Galician-Volyn State reached
its peak of development and power, even in the enemy surround. The role
of the figure of the only sovereign on the former Ukraine-Rus territory
was discussed during the conference organized by the Public Committee
for the Celebration of 800th Anniversary of King Danylo’s Birth. The conference
took place in the House of Scientists in Lviv with the participation of
the members of Ukrainian Parliament, prominent historians and political
scientists, political and public figures, writers and journalists.
the end of the meeting the Appeal to Ukrainian society was signed by the
participants, where a number of celebrating measures aimed to the honouring
of King Danylo in Lviv and Kholm (his former capital where he was buried)
were proposed.