Round table "What should we do with our history?"
Lviv, 11.1. 2002
Polish-Ukrainian meeting which was held on November 1 2002 in Lviv was
initiated by Poles and Ukrainians who believe that dialog, understanding
and unity of our nations is one of the most important issues that our
societies are facing. Those issues are so important and complicated that
our governments can not manage it alone by themselves. That why widest
groups of our societies must be engaged in the process of dialog. Because
only dialog can help us to deal with crisis in mutual relations, as it
must be in the case of Polish military cemetery in Lviv.
We believe that this problem will be sold respecting feelings of both
sides. We gathered here to honour those Poles and Ukrainians that died
in Polish-Ukrainian war and to pray for their souls. We are sure that
along with our good will to dialog, military cemeteries can become the
symbols of unity between our nations for modern Poles and Ukrainians.
