Cardinal Lyubomyr Huzar - A New Head Of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic ChurchPhoto by Andriy Kyrchiv On Thursday, January 25, 2001, as it was previously forecasted, the Bishop Synod of UGCC elected a new Head of the Church. The 68-years-old Bishop Lyubomyr Husar was accepted among at least five worthy candidates. Next day Bishop Huzar was asseverated by Pope John-Paul II (according to the canons of UGCC this procedure is obligative, hence has a quite formal character nowadays) and was honoured with the title of Cardinal. At the same time The Lviv Archbishop of Roman Catholic Church was honoured with the same title. For the first time in the history two Cardinals would act in Lviv simultaneously. On Sunday, January 28, in St. George Archicathedral in Lviv the solemn ceremony of inthronization of the Head of UGCC was held. |